
歡迎光臨 Tag Concept 。 為了向您保證安全愉快的購物體驗,我們制定了以下條款及細則,以更好地了解雙方的期望。 當您訪問及使用本網站時,即表示您代表您接受並遵守這些條款。 因此,我們建議您仔細閱讀以下使用條款及細則。 如果您不接受其中任何條款及細則,請不要使用本網站。


本網站及其內容按其「原貌」展示,我們僅在網站平台上提供銷售產品,不對任何直接、間接、意外、偶然、特殊、後果性或懲戒性損害及損失(包括在使用本網站的功能及服務或在本網站上購買產品而造成的任何損失,包括金錢利益及無形的損失)而承擔任何形式的責任。在 tag-concept.com 上購買任何產品之前,請詳細閱讀產品製造商或銷售商在產品包裝和標籤上所提供的所有信息、使用指引或警告提示。 對於所有產品的製造商或銷售商提供的任何信息的準確性或特定用途適用性或其質量或其可靠性,我們概不負責,使用者有全部責任去自行評估此類信息。


  1. 非優惠期內,訂單確認後,您的訂單將在 2 個工作日內發貨。請注意,週六、週日和公眾假期收到的訂單將在之後的 2 個工作日內發貨。
  2. 優惠期內,訂單確認後,您的訂單將在 7-14 個工作日內發貨。請注意,週六、週日和公眾假期收到的訂單將在之後的 7-14 個工作日內發貨。
  3. 所有海外訂單均需要額外 5-7 個工作日才會寄出。
  4. 如果訂單包含一件或多件預訂的商品,我們將暫時擱置整個訂單,直到所有商品都齊貨,才會一次性將訂單寄出。
    a) 滿$800的訂單我們只會負責第一次寄貨的費用,第二次及之後寄貨的費用一律到付由買家負責。
    b) $800以下的訂單,第一次寄貨的費用會於下單時收取,第二次及之後寄貨的費用一律到付由買家負責。
  5. 所有訂單將從我們在香港的倉庫或商店發貨。


  • 香港
    HK$800 或以上的訂單:免運費
  • 澳門
    HK$1200 或以上的訂單:免運費*
  • 中國內地

*運往香港以外的地區或國家的訂單可能需要繳納目的地國家徵收的進口稅、關稅和費用。所有額外的進口稅、關稅、清關費及運輸費用用必須由買家承擔。Tag Concept 無法控制這些費用,亦不會負責報銷任何進口稅、關稅、清關費及運輸費用,全數的稅款或任何額外費用均由買家承擔。

請閱讀Shipping Info頁面了解更多詳情。


所有台灣訂單將以香港郵政的特快專遞服務寄出,運送時間約 1-3 個工作日。

  • 訂單滿 HK$4000,且重量不足 5 公斤:免運費。如果訂單重量超過 5 公斤,客戶必須支付額外重量費用。我們將向你發送一封電子郵件,指導您如何支付額外費用。收到所有額外費用後,訂單才會寄出。*
  • 訂單少於 HK$4000 : 所有運費和可能的稅費將由買家承擔。*
  • *運往香港以外的地區或國家的訂單可能需要繳納目的地國家徵收的進口稅、關稅和費用。所有額外的進口稅、關稅、清關費及運輸費用用必須由買家承擔。Tag Concept 無法控制這些費用,亦不會負責報銷任何進口稅、關稅、清關費及運輸費用,全數的稅款或任何額外費用均由買家承擔。

所有國際訂單將以香港郵政的特快專遞服務寄出,運送時間約 3-7 個工作日。

  • 國際訂單將由香港郵政運送。費用將根據訂單總重量和目的地國家計算。國際訂單和支付運費的流程已在Shipping Info頁面列出。
  • 運往香港以外的地區或國家的國際訂單可能需要繳納目的地國家徵收的進口稅、關稅和費用。所有額外的進口稅、關稅、清關費及運輸費用用必須由買家承擔。Tag Concept 無法控制這些費用,亦不會負責報銷任何進口稅、關稅、清關費及運輸費用,全數的稅款或任何額外費用均由買家承擔。

Tag Concept 對任何運輸公司/代理商造成的任何運輸損失或損壞以及任何運輸延誤不承擔任何責任或義務。如果包裹出現丟失或延誤,訂單將不予退款。對於因自然災害、流行病、極端天氣條件或任何類型的意外和無法控制的情況而導致的訂單丟失或損壞,我們不承擔任何責任或義務。如果發生上述情況,將不予退款。







有關損壞及換貨的安排:我們只受理由簽收訂單當天起計 3 天內通知我們的損壞報告及換貨要求(簽收訂單當天已計算為一天),因為任何原因逾時與客服聯絡報告,恕不受理。損壞的產品也必須在收到訂單後的 7 天內寄回給我們,如果我們無法在 7 天內收到產品,我們保留拒絕換貨的權利。退換的商品必須未使用、未開封且與您收到時的狀態相同。請確保退換商品包括以下內容:原包裝、包裝盒、吊牌、說明書、贈品和所有其他配件等。如退換商品有任何損壞,則視為不予退換。每個訂單只允許換貨一次。我們將在收到並檢查產品後立即通知您有關換貨的安排。
有關漏件缺少貨物的安排:我們只受理簽收訂單當天起計 3 天內通知我們的漏件少貨報告(收件當天已計算為一天),因為任何原因逾時與客服聯絡報告,恕不受理。請注意,為保障我方及客人雙方利益,每張訂單於最終包裝入盒封件之前,包裝同事會將訂單中所有產品及印有其訂單號碼的順豐運單一同拍攝留證,以避免不必要爭議。請客人開箱後仔細檢查及點算塑料包裝內所有產品。


我們致力於保護您的隱私,為您提供安全可靠的網絡環境。 我們將盡最大努力確保您的帳戶和個人資料得到保密處理。 我們將按照本隱私政策所述的目的謹慎使用您的個人信息。


我們是本網站收集的信息的唯一所有者。 我們不會以不同於本聲明中披露的方式將這些信息出售、分享或出租給他人。 本網站只會在明確告知你的況下,收集有關您的個人識別,否則我們不會收集您的個人身份信息。 當您註冊成為 Tag Concept 的會員時,您的 IP 地址、使用時間、瀏覽歷史可能會被記錄,以提高和改進我們的服務質量。


本隱私聲明僅適用於本網站。 請注意,點擊本網站的鏈接,您可能會被帶到另一個網站。該網站的隱私政策可能與我們不同,因此我們強烈建議您查閱其他網站的隱私政策,我們對您提交給第三方的個人資料或由第三方收集的個人資料及其用途不承擔任何責任。


根據香港特別行政區個人資料(私隱)條例(第486章)(「條例」)的規定,你提供給我們的資料,包括但不限稱謂、姓名、出生年月、電話號碼、電郵地址、住宅地址、信用卡資料及銀行戶口號碼等個人資料, 我們在處理您的個人資料時必須遵守該條例所載的原則。 我們獲得的所有個人資料均會保存在我們的內部數據庫中,而 Tag Concept 是個人資料(私隱)條例中所指的「數據控制者」。

根據《2012 年個人資料(私隱)(修訂)條例》第 VIA 部的規定,在直接促銷中使用客戶的個人資料必須獲得客戶的同意(或明確表示不反對)。 如果您不打算接收任何有關產品和服務功能、最新促銷、交易平台幫助和其他交易資源的信息,請向我們發送電子郵件以行使您的選擇退出權。


本網站可隨時修訂本隱私權政策,若我們對政策作出任何變更,我們將於本網站公佈。若閣下對上述隱私權聲明有任何疑問,歡迎電郵至 tagtagtagconcept@gmail.com與我們聯絡。

如有任何爭議,Tag Concept保留一切最終決定權。

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to TAG Concept. In order to promise you a safe and pleasant shopping experience, we set out the following terms and conditions to achieve a better understanding of expectations of both sides. When you visit this website, it is supposed that you accept on behalf of and compliance with these terms. Therefore, we highly recommend you to carefully read the following terms of use. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS OF USE, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE.


The site and its content are provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied (except only as may be implied by applicable law). We are only providing a venue for the sale of products on its site and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of profit or intangible loss related to your use of the site or use of any of the products purchased at its site). Please read all information, warranties, usage or warnings provided by the manufacturer owner or seller of the products on or in the product packaging and labels before using any product purchased on tag-concept.com. We shall not be liable for the accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose or quality of such products or reliability of any information provided by any manufacturer owner or seller of such products and it is your responsibility to evaluate such information.

About Delivery

General Shippping Info
  1. During non-sale period, your order will be shipped in 2 business days after order confirmation. Please note that orders received on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays will be shipped the next 2 business days.
  2. During sale period, your order will be shipped in 7-14 business days after order confirmation. Please note that orders received on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays will be shipped the next 7-14 business days.
  3. All international orders require an additional 5-7 business days for shipping.
  4. If your order includes one or more pre-order items, we will temporarily hold the entire order until all items are available for shipment, and then ship the order as a whole.
    If customer requests to arrange partial shipments:
    a) For orders over $800, we will cover the shipping cost for the first shipment only. The shipping cost for subsequent shipments will be paid by the buyer upon delivery.
    b) For orders below $800, the shipping cost for the first shipment will be charged at the time of order placement. The shipping cost for subsequent shipments will be paid by the buyer upon delivery.
  5. All orders will be shipped from our warehouse or store in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong, Macau and China

We provide delivery service hosted by SF Express for order made in Hong Kong, Macau and China. Therefore, you are bound by the terms and conditions of them. You may refer to their terms and conditions in an attempt to deal with all matters related to the process of delivery. We are not responsible to any act or misconduct while in charge of the shipping company. It is clearly said that, in this statement, we will not bear the risk and liability associated with any possible fail delivery.

  • Within Hong Kong
    Order valued HK$800 or above : Free Shipping
    Order valued less than HK$800 : Shipping Fee $30
  • To Macau
    Order valued HK$1200 or above : Free Shipping
    Order valued less than HK$1200 : SF Express Pay On Delivery
  • To China
    Order valued HK$2500 or above : Free Shipping *
    Order valued less than HK$2500 : SF Express Pay On Delivery *

*Orders shipped to countries outside of Hong Kong may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees levied by the destination country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by the recipient. Tag Concept has no control over these charges and is not responsible for any reimbursement of customs fees or taxes.

Please read the page “Shipping Info” for further details.

Taiwan Order 

One order ONLY per shipment. Combining multiple orders into one shipment is not allowed.
Orders from Taiwan will be shipped via Hong Kong Post (Speed Post, 1-3 working days) now.

  • Orders from Taiwan,over HK$4000 and less than 5kg: Free Shipping. Customers have to pay the extra fee if the order weighted more than 5kg. An email will be sent to instruct you how to pay the fee. Order will not be shipped unless all payments received.
  • Order from Taiwan less than HK$4000 : All shipping fee and possible taxes will be shouldered by buyer.*

*Orders shipped to countries outside of Hong Kong may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees levied by the destination country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by the recipient. Tag Concept has no control over these charges and is not responsible for any reimbursement of customs fees or taxes.

International Order

One order ONLY per shipment. Combining multiple orders into one shipment is not allowed.
International order will be shipped by Hong Kong Post (Speed Post, 3-7 working days). The fee will be calculated based on the total weight of order and the destination country. The procedures for placing international order and paying shipping fee have been listed on the page “Shipping Info“.

  • Please be noted that any local customs issues, charges, import taxes, import duties, last-mile delivery fee, or in general any extra charge(s) regarding the shipment, will be of the receiver’s sole responsibility.
  • Tag Concept shall not be liable for any discrepancies between the Shipping Fees by the shipping agent and any local fee, or additional delivery fee charged to the receiver.
  • Orders shipped to countries outside of Hong Kong may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees levied by the destination country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by the recipient. Tag Concept has no control over these charges and is not responsible for any reimbursement of customs fees or taxes.

TAG Concept shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of shipment and any shipment delays by any shipping companies/agencies. No refund will be issued on orders if packages are experiencing losses or delays. If orders are loss or damaged because of natural disasters, pandemic, extreme weather conditions, or any kind of unexpected situation, we will not be responsible/liable for any claims or refunds.

In-store Pick Up Policy

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, in-store pick up service is temporarily unavailable.

Refund and Exchange

Refund is not acceptable under any circumstances.

All products we sell are seriously chosen, and as far as possible to ensure the selected products have passed the required skin test. However, with the different skin types and vary skin conditions among customers, we can hardly promise you no reaction of allergy will be caused. If allergy occurred after using the product bought from our shop, we are sorry that both refund or exchange will not be arranged.

During the promotional period, if a customer misses the discounted price due to any payment failure, we reserve the right to refuse a refund of the price difference. If we choose to process a refund of the difference, we will deduct any transaction fees charged by third-party payment platforms, and only proceed with the refund after confirming the amount with the customer.

Upon receiving your order package, please immediately open and inspect all the products in the order. If you receive any damaged or missing items, please contact our customer service representatives immediately.

Regarding damaged and exchange arrangements: We only accept damage reports and exchange requests that are notified to us within 3 days of receiving the order (the day of receipt is counted as one day). If you contact our customer service representatives after this time period for any reason, we will not be able to process your report. Damaged products must also be returned to us within 7 days of receiving the order. If we do not receive the product within 7 days, we reserve the right to refuse the exchange. Returned/exchanged items must be unused, unopened, and in the same condition as when you received them. Please ensure the returned/exchanged items include the original packaging, box, tags, instruction manuals, gifts, and all other accessories. If the returned/exchanged items are damaged in any way, we will not be able to process the return/exchange. Each order is only eligible for one exchange.
We will notify you of the exchange arrangements immediately after receiving and inspecting the product.

Regarding missing items arrangements: We only accept reports of missing items that are notified to us within 3 days of receiving the order (the day of receipt is counted as one day). If you contact our customer service representatives after this time period for any reason, we will not be able to process your report. Please note that to protect the interests of both our company and our customers, our packaging staff will take photos of all the products in the order along with the corresponding SF shipping label (with Order Number) as a proof, before the final packaging and sealing, to avoid unnecessary disputes. Please carefully inspect and count all the products in the packaging after unpacking.

Privacy Policy

We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy and providing you a safe and reliable network environment. We will do our best to ensure that your account and personal information will be kept confidential. We will carefully use your personal information according to the purpose stated in this privacy policy

Information Collection and Usage

We are the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. This web-site does not collect personally identifying information about you except when you specifically and knowingly provide it. Please be reminded that we will not collect your personal identity information unless you provide personal information in a clear informed. When you register as a member of TAG Concept, your IP address, time of use, browsing history might be recorded for the purpose of enhancing and improving our service quality.


This Privacy Statement only applies to this website. Please note that clicking on to links and banner advertisements may result in transferal to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to us. You are strongly recommended to consult the other websites` privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

The information given to us, including uploaded files and e-mail addresses, is termed as personal data under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the laws of Hong Kong as amended from time to time). We must therefore follow the principles set out in that Ordinance when we process personal data. All the personal data that we obtain is held on our central in-house database and TAG Concept is the “data controller” for the purposes of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

In accordance with Part VIA of the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012, client’s consent (or any explicit indication of no objection) is required for the use of client’s personal data in direct marketing. If you intend not to receive any information concerning products and services features, latest promotion, assistance on trading platform and other trading resources, you can exercise your opt-out right in writing us e-mail. 

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed by TAG Concept at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it. If at any time, there are questions or concerns about our online privacy statement, please feel free to e-mail us at tagtagtagconcept@gmail.com

If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of this Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
In cases of disputes, the decision of Tag Concept shall be final and conclusive.