Tag Concept Membership 會員制度
只需註冊,您就可以成為 JUST MEMBER!
- 註冊以賺取10積分並在第一次下單時即可使用
- JUST MEMBER的消費訂單不能賺取積分
② 中級級別:INSIDER
一張訂單一次過消費超過 $1000 即可由JUST MEMBER 成為 INSIDER
- 購物以賺取和兌換積分 (以JUST MEMBER 身份首次下單,訂單滿$1000可即時為享有INSIDER的 95折 優惠,但不可賺取積分。由第二張訂單開始,系統識別到帳戶級別己升級為INSIDER後,才可以賺取積分。)
- 所有原價商品可享有 95折 優惠
- 在您的生日月份購買所有原價商品可享受一次性
9折 優惠 (請會員whatsapp 54425298 聯絡客服獲取生日優惠coupon code) - 如果您在成為INSIDER 後的365天內累積消費超過 HK$5000,會員資格將延長一年;累積消費少於$5000,會員資格會失效。
③ 最高級別:CORE
在 365 天內累積消費超過 HK$15000 ,您將由 INSIDER 成為 CORE
會員可以隨時登入帳戶查閱於此網站的消費記錄,或直接Whatsapp 54425298向客服查詢過往於門市及網站累積的消費金額,以進行會員升級的程序。
- 購物以賺取和兌換積分
- 所有原價商品可享有 9折 優惠
- 在您的生日月份內購買所有原價商品可享受一次性 85折 優惠 (請會員whatsapp 54425298 聯絡客服獲取生日優惠coupon code)
- 如果您在成為CORE 後的365天內累積消費超過 HK$8000,會員資格將延長一年;累積消費少於$8000,會員資格會失效。
Tag Concept Membership
Introduce our TIERS
Membership will be valid for one year only.
Tier ①:CORE
you will become a CORE from INSIDER after spending over $15000 within 365 days
You are eligible to:
- earn and redeem points
- enjoy 10% OFF discount on products at original price
- enjoy one-time 15% OFF discount on products at original price during your birthday month
- If your accumulated spending exceeds HK$8,000 within 365 days after becoming an CORE, your membership will be automatically extended for another year; if your accumulated spending is less than $8,000, your membership will expire.
you will become an INSIDER from JUST MEMBER after spending over $1000 on ONE order
You are eligible to:
- earn and redeem points (You will not earn any points when placing your first order as a Just Member even it is over $1000. You will be able to earn points starting from your second order when our system has upgraded your status to INSIDER.)
- enjoy 5% OFF discount on products at original price (Discount will be offered if your first order is over $1000 as you will be considered as NEW-INSIDER.)
- enjoy one-time 10% OFF discount on products at original price during your birthday month
- If your accumulated spending exceeds HK$5,000 within 365 days after becoming an INSIDER, your membership will be automatically extended for another yewr; if your accumulated spending is less than $5,000, your membership will expire.
you will become a JUST MEMBER for just sign up!
You are eligible to:
- earn 10 points from signing up and redeem it on the first order.
- JUST MEMBER is not allowed to earn points by placing order.