
Tag Concept的積分計劃是什麼?

Tag Concept的積分計劃 是一個您可以賺取積分以享受額外扣減金額的計劃。


賺取的積分 ⓟ 越多,節省的錢就越多!
10 分 ⓟ = HK$10

20 分 ⓟ =HK$20
30 分 ⓟ =HK$30
1000 分 ⓟ = HK$1000 !!!

如何在 Tag Concept 中賺取積分?

ⓟ 註冊即可獲得 10 積分
ⓟ 成為INSIDE或CORE會員後,訂單每消費 $300 即可賺取 10 積分。* JUST MEMBER 的消費訂單不能賺取積分。
ⓟ 不論是JUST MEMBER/ INSIDER/ CORE,每寫下一個超過 40 個字的產品評論可獲得 20 積分(標點符號不會計算在字數內)。只有經過購買驗證的JUST MEMBER/ INSIDER/ CORE才可於產品頁面寫下評論,GUEST將不能寫下產品評論。

1. 提交產品評論所獲得的積分不會立即加到您的帳戶內。你的產品評論會先處於「待批准」狀態,一旦系統審核產品評論符合要求,相應積分將會加入您的帳戶。此過程可能需要 1-3 個工作天。
2. 不能使用內容相同的評論為同一個產品進行多次評論以獲取積分,系統會自動刪除不符合條件的評論,有關積分亦不會加至帳戶中。
3. 所有每月優惠產品、優惠套裝及換購價產品均不會設有產品評論功能。


於結帳前.請確保您已登錄帳戶。 您將會於結帳頁面看到您可以在購物車中使用多少積分, 請點擊積分優惠券按鈕以使用您的積分。


會的。 積分有效期為6個月。如您在賺取積分之日起 6 個月內沒有使用積分,積分會自動失效。


登錄您的帳戶,打開「我的積分」頁面,單點擊「積分」按鈕, 您將看到您的累積積分以及賺取和兌換積分的歷史記錄。


  1. INSIDER及CORE登入後下單,只要是透過信用卡付款,完成付款後積分會即時加到帳號內;如付款方式為支付寶HK、銀行轉帳或轉數快,下單後訂單狀態會是 [on hold],積分不會即時加進帳號內,待訂單寄出及訂單顯示為 [complete] 的狀態後,系統才會將積分加到帳號內。
  2. 店舖進行特別優惠期間,訂單中享有特別優惠的產品不能賺取積分,訂單中只享有Membership Discount(即INSIDER: 95折, CORE: 9折)的產品可以賺取積分。詳情請留意相應優惠活動的條款及細則。
  3. 店舖進行特別優惠期間,所有訂單(包括使用信用卡付款的訂單)的積分並不會即時加進帳號內,待訂單寄出及其狀態更新至 [complete] 後,系統才會將積分加到帳號內。

Points to Cash Programme

What is Tag Concept Points to Cash Program?

Tag Concept Points to Cash Program is a program where you can earn points to enjoy product discounts.

Redemption Conversion Rate:10 Points = $10.
Points expire in 6-month from the date you earn them.
The more points you earn, the more money you save!
10 points = $10
20 points = $20
30 points = $30
1000 points = $1000 !!!

How do I earn points in Tag Concept?

You can earn points in these ways:
ⓟ Earn10 points for signing up
ⓟ Earn 10 points for every $300 spent on orders, for INSIDER and CORE ONLY. JUST MEMBER is not allowed to earn points by placing order.
ⓟ Earn 20 points for each product review that more than 40 words, for verified buyer who are JUST MEMBER/ INSIDER/ CORE. GUEST is not allowd to leave review.

1. The points earned from submitting a product review will not be credited to your account immediately. The review will first be in a “pending approval” status. Once the system verifies that the review meets the requirements, the corresponding points will be added to your account. This process may take 1-3 business days.
2. You cannot submit multiple reviews with the same content for the same product in order to earn points. The system will automatically delete any reviews that do not meet the requirements and will not credit the corresponding points to your account.
3. The review function will be disabled for all monthly promotional products, bundle packages, or special offer products.

How do I redeem my points when placing an order?

Log into your account before checkout. You will simply see how many points you can use in your shopping cart! Then click on the points coupon button to use your points. Partial redemption is not allowed.

Do points ever expire?

Yes. Points expire in 6-month from the date you earn them.

How do I check my point balance?

Log into your account, then click on the Points button to open My Point page. You will see your accumulated points and history of earning and redeeming points.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Only when a INSIDER or CORE member who has logged in to place an order while the payment is made by credit card, points will be added to account immediately.
  2. If user choose to pay via Alipay HK, bank transfer or FPS, points will first go into a “pending” state. When order has shipped and its status has changed from “pending” to “complete, points will be added to account accordingly.
  3. No point can be earned during sales period of discounted products. Points can only be earned on products at original price.
  4. Points will not be added to account immediately during sales period, even if payment is made by credit card. Points will be added to account when order has shipped and its status has changed from “pending” to “complete”.